Haruki Murakami was born in Kyoto in 1949 and has lived both in Japan and the United States. His work as been translated into 42 languages. I have read several of his novels and one memoir.
Genres: Fiction, surrealist, postmodern
You can reach the author's official web site through Random House
"What I talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir" (Translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel) Knopf: 2008 This is a thin book that I never did see go into paperback although it might have. I really enjoyed it. I found Murakami's novels to be very interesting and unlike other books that I have read by other authors. This book is about running but it is not. It is about his life but more. It is about a lot of things such as growing old, his family, jazz, and of course running. It is about how the body changes over the years and how people change towards us as we age. It is about the Japanese and the Americans. It is about cultures and how alike they are and how unlike they are. It is about our bodies and how they obey you and how they don't. Sometimes they just surprise you. This author will surprise you.