Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009 Welcome

When I was young, I lived in a very dysfunctional family. My father had bipolar disease or was manic depressive. I never knew whether he was going to be very happy or very sad or just sit and not communicate at all. My brother and I were close and we just talked about this along with dealing with a very angry mother. My defense was to read. Luckily, I lived in California and was able to get to a library. I also visited an aunt who would take me to the library on a regular basis.

One time when things were especially bad, I got a very strong message from what I understood was my spiritual guides that I would always have three things that I could find refuge in. One was literature or books including poetry. Second, was music and the third was art. I am now on the verge of turning 65 years of age and that message was true and I have turn to them over and over again.

My parents are now gone and I have been living on my own for some time. I have a house full of books and an office. Life has been good to me. I now work here at home reading and writing. Unfortunately, there are few people I can talk about books with. Maybe it is karma that this is the case. I have several people that I talk with but they are very far away. I thought I would try this blog.